What are the offenses to be avoided while chanting Japa?
The sincere devotee who wants to attain a perfection (Siddhi) for himself by the process of chanting the Name of the Lord must refrain from the ten kinds of offences which are quoted below from the “Padmapuranam.” 1. The first and foremost offence is the act of defaming the great saints who have glorified the chanting of the Name of the Lord by example in their own life and precepts. According to ordinary moral principles...
What is Meant by Offenseless Chanting?
The root of all offenses is insincerity. So first of all, if we are sincere then even if we are somewhat ignorant of all the rules and regulations Krishna will help us to gradually overcome the offensive stage. The Sanskrit word for offense is aparadha, or “to be distanced from worship” (radhat arthat aradhanat-apagatah) There are sometimes three different categories of offenses given: Nama-aparadha, or offenses in...
Is There Any Transcendental Power in This Mantra?
It may be somewhat surprising for the average Westerner to hear about the power within the vibrations of mantras, but the potency is real. For example, any numerologist will tell you that by associating with particular sound vibrations one becomes influenced by them. According to the predominant types of sound vibration people associate with through T.V. and radio, or in reading articles in magazines and newspapers, they become...
Why Chanting Does Not Make Me Happy?
Kindly note that if we try to be the enjoyers, we cannot be happy. It is only when we acknowledge that only Krishna is the actual enjoyer and do everything for His pleasure that we will taste genuine happiness. So instead of trying to taste happiness from your chanting try to chant like a child crying out for its mother to invoke the merciful blessings of Krishna. In this way Krishna will be very pleased with your chanting, and you...
What Should we Pray for?
A: It is stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam that whether one is full of material desires, or has no desires, or desires liberation, one should approach the Supreme Lord Krsna. So whatever we want in life we should pray for Krsna to fulfill our desire. It is of course not so wise to pray for material things as this will just prolong our stay in the material world. Best thing is to ask Krsna, "Please, take us out of samsara and engage...